Tales of Anatolian Shepherds : A Turkish Dog

Dog stuffs, tales, pix and dog stuff!

Location: Boston, MASS

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Down on the Farm

I was heading down to visit Karen and Zora and decided I'd take Hannah along. Zora loves seeing 'Mom' and it was a great opportunity to see Hannah with livestock. She'd never been up close and personal with livestock before being pretty much a city girl. I expected at least some sort of reaction, a look, maybe a woof, but nothing. I brought her close to the fence line and she finally took slight notice and air scented one of the big horses. Then we brought the pony in and she gave a few investigative sniffs. I couldn't believe how relaxed and calm she was. Needless to say, I was beyond pleased. I always knew she had it in her to be a good LGD and she proved it true.
When we went in the house, she didn't even bother to get up to take note of where I was going. It was if she had been here her entire life and was right at home, very content and happy.
What a good girl!
I think she was dropping me some big hints too. ;)


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